My skills at your disposal

Server rack
Back-end senior

The back-end is my forte. I am specialized in the latest Microsoft .NET technologies.

  • C#
  • Writing guidelines about clean code and architecture
  • ASP.NET (Core)
  • Entity Framework (Core)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • JetBrains Rider
  • Visual Studio
Microsoft Azure logo
Microsoft Azure cloud senior

As a Microsoft Azure certified developer (AZ-204), I am comfortable with many of the Azure services.

  • App Service
  • Functions
  • Storage
  • Service Bus
  • Batch
  • Application Insights
  • And more...
Server rack
Elasticsearch medior

For a marketplace application, I have researched and implemented advanced sorting and filtering with Elasticsearch.

  • Custom sorting score calculation
  • Filtering using many attributes
  • Embedded scripts using Painless
  • Storing logs with Serilog
Server rack
DevOps medior

I have experience with devops tools such as Azure DevOps and GitHub. I set up pipelines for continuous building, testing and deployment.

  • Code reviews
  • Scrum boards
  • Pipelines / Actions
  • Artifacts
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous delivery
Server rack
Testing senior

Before being a web developer, I was a quality assurance engineer for 4 years. I strive to deliver high quality software.

  • Unit testing: xUnit, Moq, FakeItEasy, AutoBogus
  • Integration testing
  • End-to-end testing: Selenium
  • API testing: SpecFlow
Server rack
Front-end junior

Even though I've been a full-stack developer in a few companies, I prefer to focus on the back-end. I know the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Typescript.

  • Bootstrap 5
  • JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Angular
  • Aurelia
  • Learning Blazor
Server rack
Other skills

Here are some other skills that I have acquired over the years.

  • Agile, Scrum, SAFe
  • ChatGPT, Git Copilot, JetBrains AI assistant
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Linux
  • Video games
  • Audio and music
  • Native French
  • Fluent English